The Chapter Room of the Feline Cloister is a-buzz with mews, feline chuckles, and the rustling of papers as Resident Novices gather for the latest instruction from Br. Ricky, Novice Master. On the monitor projecting Zoom, excited Worldwide Novices wave to each other...
Novice Life Practices
A Good Friday Story – Forgive
Two others also, who were criminals, were led away to be put to death with him.When they came to the place that is called The Skull, they crucified Jesus* there with the criminals, one on his right and one on his left. Then Jesus said, “Father, forgive them;or they do...
Spiritual Wisdom from the 9th Century? Yes!
Welcome to this Monday Mewsing offering from the Feline Cloister. My name is Novice Benjamin, Bennie for short. This month’s Novice Instruction is a tad different from the usual – three audio recordings by Amma, done at the request of Br. Ricky. As I am a very...
Daily Prayers for Lent from the Feline Cloister – 2024
Cloister Contemplative, Sr. Maggie, OSB-F offers two simple prayers for the season of Lent. Both track well with the suggestion for a Lenten practice from Resident Novice William – that we take steps to open to Christ living and working within us. You are invited to...
A Purrfect Lenten Practice from the Feline Cloister
I mew a big hello and welcome to you! I’m Resident Novice William. Novice Master Br. Ricky asked me to write an article to help you get ready for Lent. My guess is that he chose me for this article because I am known to be a tad self-focused. And from what I...
Nip Grumbling in the Bud – Try “PUP”
A Challenge is Identified My quest started in our last Chapter. Amma lamented that her efforts to nip her grumbling yielded no positive results. "When I start to grumble about someone or something," she confessed, "the grumbling takes off into an ever-growing mental...
Setting Aside Time to Be With God
A Personal Quiet Day or Retreat Hello, Novices! In the July 2023 issue of Monday Mewsings I shared my experience of being on retreat at St. Benedict’s Monastery-Feline, in Minnesota. To read about my retreat, tap your paw here. Worldwide Novice Shadow of...
Br. Ricky Reflects on His Retreat
Br. Ricky Reflects on His Retreat at St. Benedict’s - Feline: Finds Two Verses to Guide Us Every DayPrefer nothing whatever to Christ. RB 72.11"…Seek first the reign and justice of God..." (Mt 6:33) RB 2.35Hello, Novices! Amma and I flew out to Minnesota in July...
Living in the Present Moment
Hello. Novices and friends. In July, 2023, I spent a wonderful week in a hermitage at St. Benedict's Monastery in St. Joseph, Minnesota. This was my fifth retreat with the wonderful sisters. I would like to share what I discovered about living in the present moment...
Chapter 49 – A Benedictine Roadmap for Lent
Br. Ricky, OSB-FNovice MasterBr. Ricky, Novice Master, is almost ready to begin a class on Chapter 49 – The Observance of Lent. Resident Novices are ready to give their reports on selections from this chapter of The Rule of St. Benedict. With lots of excited mewing...