Hello! Amma here. Br. Ricky asked that I write an article about recognizing God’s touch as we travel. With a rarely heard hiss, Br Ricky had meowed, “The only travel us felines do is to the vet! Hiss!” I happily consented to provide this article. Travel...
Ricky’s Mewsings
Hello! Br. Ricky here. I’m purring because you decided to visit this page! Here you’ll find “tools” for Benedictine living. Each tool is associated with a “Mewsing on the Rule of St. Benedict.” Mewsings are articles about the Rule of St. Benedict and Benedictine spirituality. They are offered by Cloister members and novices.
This is a brand new page as of December, 2023. That’s why there aren’t lots of tools yet. But I have consulted with the Cloister and members agreed to prepare tools to help you. We want to do ALL WE CAN to encourage the practice of Benedictine ways.
We all hope that these tools will be of help. We will be adding more as time goes along.
Blessings to you.
Greed or Glory: Our Choice!
Hi! Sr. Espy here. I have an instruction for you - Will all who are greedy, please stand up! What? Not one of us is standing? Not even me! Let’s take a look at this… Sr Espy loves telling everyone what to doSt. Benedict on Greed Benedict hits...
Daily Prayers for Lent from the Feline Cloister – 2024
Cloister Contemplative, Sr. Maggie, OSB-F offers two simple prayers for the season of Lent. Both track well with the suggestion for a Lenten practice from Resident Novice William – that we take steps to open to Christ living and working within us. You are invited to...
A Purrfect Lenten Practice from the Feline Cloister
I mew a big hello and welcome to you! I’m Resident Novice William. Novice Master Br. Ricky asked me to write an article to help you get ready for Lent. My guess is that he chose me for this article because I am known to be a tad self-focused. And from what I...
Advent Weaving
Deck the halls with lots of action. Fa-la-la-la-la, la-la-la-la. Tis the season of distraction. Fa-la-la-la-la, la-la-la-la. Don we now our panicked rushing. Fa-la-la-la-la-la-la-la-la. Troll the constant frantic wailing. Fa-la-la-la-la, la-la-la-la!! Hello! I’m...
Chapter 49 – A Benedictine Roadmap for Lent
Br. Ricky, OSB-FNovice MasterBr. Ricky, Novice Master, is almost ready to begin a class on Chapter 49 – The Observance of Lent. Resident Novices are ready to give their reports on selections from this chapter of The Rule of St. Benedict. With lots of excited mewing...
The Benedictine Way of the Heart
Welcome to my first article. I’m so glad you’re here to learn about the Benedictine Way of the Heart. I will give you a little background on what influenced Benedict. And then we’ll look at the Rule. The Heart in Holy Scripture and Monastic Tradition The...
Leisure is a Friend of the Soul
“Thanks be to God that you are here!” (RB 66.3) I’m Sr. Nikki, OSB-F (Order of St. Benedict – Feline). You may be wondering about the title of my Mewsing, a “take off” on RB 48.1 in The Rule of St. Benedict - "Idleness is the enemy of the soul." In the winter 2023...
Turning From the Crickets
I had a long mew with Amma last week. She’s concerned that there are Cloister members who are straying from their deeper purpose – to love God and others and to follow the guidance of the Rule. Aware of Benedict’s instructions to the superior to “exercise the...
Getting Into Trouble for Being Ourselves
Have you ever gotten into trouble for just being yourself? You are being who you are and someone else takes offense and gives you a nasty look, a word of reproach or a hard time. Like me, have you then been puzzled and wondered why the kerfuffle? Is it wrong that I...