Spiritual Wisdom from the 9th Century?  Yes!

Welcome to this Monday Mewsing offering from the Feline Cloister.  My name is Novice Benjamin, Bennie for short. This month’s Novice Instruction is a tad different from the usual – three audio recordings by Amma, done at the request of Br. Ricky. 

As I am a very curious feline, Br. Ricky asked me to do some research to introduce Smaragdus, the author of the readings.  He also thought that my one-eyed perspective would offer a unique approach.  I had lots of fun doing this.  Especially fun was the confusion of Prior John over who Smaragdus was.  Upon hearing Amma’s explanation, which must have been garbled, our prior thought Smaragdus was a cat!  Mew!!

Here’s what I found out about Smaragdus of Saint-Mihiel.

Novice Sebastian Thomas

Worldwide Novice Benjamin 
At left, Smaragdus hard at work