Worldwide Novices

Hello!  Br. Ricky here.  I’m purring because you decided to visit this page!  Here you’ll find “tools” for Benedictine living.  Each tool is associated with a “Mewsing on the Rule of St. Benedict.” Mewsings are articles about the Rule of St. Benedict and Benedictine spirituality.  They are offered by Cloister members and novices.

This is a brand new page as of December, 2023.  That’s why there aren’t lots of tools yet.  But I have consulted with the Cloister and members agreed to prepare tools to help you.  We want to do ALL WE CAN to encourage the practice of Benedictine ways.

We all hope that these tools will be of help.  We will be adding more as time goes along.

Blessings to you.

Dodie – Eugene, Oregon

Dodie – Eugene, Oregon

Well, hello there!  I’m a five-year-old female kitty.  I would like to join the Feline Cloister because I am an only cat, living with two dogs and three humans.  This really can be really challenging for me. I need a community with others who are like me and who...

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Mimi – Clyde, Missouri

Mimi – Clyde, Missouri

Hi there, from the monastery of the Benedictine Sisters of Adoration Monastery in Clyde, Missouri.  I would like to join the Feline Cloister as a Worldwide Novice because I ‘m special!  When I shared this with Novice Master Br. Ricky on our Zoom call his eyes...

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Felicity – Clyde, Missouri

Felicity – Clyde, Missouri

Hello there!  I am a four-year-old feline who lives in a wonderful monastery in Clyde, Missouri, the Benedictine Sisters of Perpetual Adoration. On my Zoom call with Br. Ricky, our Novice Master, I shared that a feline visitor asked me if I was the one being...

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Mao – Carmel, Indiana

Mao – Carmel, Indiana

Hello, there.  My name is Mao.  I am an 11-year-old male feline, at least I think that’s how old I am.  I want to join the Feline Cloister because Aunt Jane (Amma) wants me to.  I had been thinking about the idea, too, but had some reservations about whether or not I...

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Lilibet – Torrance, California

Lilibet – Torrance, California

Hi!  My name is Lilibet.  I would like to join the Feline Cloister because I need some self-discipline and I would like to learn to meditate better. On our Zoom call I told Novice Master Br. Ricky about my delight in running, pouncing and keeping in motion.  With a...

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