Br. Ricky Reflects on His Retreat

Br. Ricky Reflects on His Retreat at St. Benedict’s – Feline:

Finds Two Verses to Guide Us Every Day

Prefer nothing whatever to Christ. RB 72.11

“…Seek first the reign and justice of God…”  (Mt 6:33)  RB 2.35

Hello, Novices!  Amma and I flew out to Minnesota in July (2023).  We each did our own quiet retreat at St. Benedict’s Monastery in St. Joseph, Minnesota.  I stayed in the Feline Spirituality Center.  Amma was in a cool hermitage all by herself.

Being with the feline sisters was a blessing. I realized how important it is to take time away from a busy life, to simplify, and to focus on my relationship with God.  

Why Go On a Retreat

Retreats, or even a day away to a local monastery,
church or quiet place, all provide opportunities
for rest, quiet, and a retooling of our spiritual life.

We can intentionally adopt an open ear to listen to
the quiet promptings of the Holy Spirit
to heal and inspire us.