“Greetings from beautiful New Mexico! I’m Bear. I was given the name because as a kitten I terrorized resident dogs by rearing up on my hind legs like a bear and swatting them in the face! I think that this is not good Benedictine behavior.
On the Zoom interview when Br. Ricky heard this he gave a feline chuckle. “You are right, Novic Bear that swatting is not good Benedictine behavior. Benedict forbids striking another member (RB 70). Amma has added even non-Benedictines to this instruction.
I would like to join the Feline Cloister because: I have a strong respect for God’s creations. Especially trees…..I love climbing trees!
Br. Ricky asked about my outstanding characteristics. I am independent and very sure of myself. After all, I’ve had a lot of years to learn how to me be. I am a 20-year-old male. In the human age, that’s 96 years.
Br. Ricky nodded and explained that the monastics in the Feline Cloister are called cenobites. He quickly pawed through his well-worn copy of The Rule of St. Benedict in Mew and read this to me.
“There are clearly four kinds of monastics. First, there are the cenobites, that is to say, those who belong to a monastery, where they serve under a rule and an abbot or prioress.” RB 1.1-2
“Bear, that means that you will need to practice obedience to the Rule, to Amma Jane, and to all in the community, including me.” Hearing that, and being a very independent feline, my fur quickly stood up.
Noticing my reaction he continued gently, “We believe that the presence of God is everywhere (19.1). And that God speaks through each of us and especially through monastic leaders like Amma (RB 53.1; RB 2.2).
He explained that obedience is “to listen and to respond to God’s direction coming through people, [felines], and the situations of life.” (St. Benedict’s Toolbox, 57) “You have shown obedience already by coming to the Feline Cloister. God put that desire in your heart, and you responded.” At those words I purred. In my heart I vowed to do my best to become a wise feline elder who is obedient to God and others.
Novice Bear cozying up to
sweet Katie Rose
I LOVE being brushed. I like to get cuddles, too.. I even cuddle with my canine housemate Kate Rose. “You are off to a wonderful start, Bear,” mewed Br. Ricky with a broad feline smile. “The Rule a manual for the art of love – how to form loving relationships and how to be a loving feline.” Br. Ricky again quoted from the Rule.
“Among themselves they show the pure love of sisters and brothers; to God, reverent love; to their prioress or abbot, unfeigned and humble love.” RB 72.8-10
Novice Bear relishing a brush from Dad
I asked Br. Ricky if novices were required to give things up. One pleasure that I would hate to give up is my nightly bit of ice cream. I never get annoyed and am very flexible, But no ice cream? This could really annoy me.
Br. Ricky looked down and made a few notes in his little notebook with a tiny green pencil. Oh, oh, I thought. Are my pleasures toast?
“Benedict says that we are not eat outside of mealtimes. (RB 43.18) Novice Bear, I want to tell you that this instruction is difficult for all of us. And we are to avoid indulgence.” He meowed this with great emphasis…
” For nothing is so inconsistent with the life of any Christian as overindulgence. Our God says: Take care that your hearts are not weighted down with overindulgence” (Luke 21:34). RB 39.8-9
Illus. Smokey enjoying his nightly ice cream, just like Bear
I must have looked crestfallen. “Take heart, Bear. Benedict also asks us to take special care of the elderly, like you, and children.”
“Since their lack of strength must always be taken into account, [the elderly and children] should certainly not be required to follow the strictness of the rule with regard to food, but should be treated with kindly consideration and allowed to eat before the regular hours.” RB 37.1-3
Br. Ricky said that he would talk to Amma about continuing my nightly ice cream. “I am sure she will agree to this. Amma is a nibbler herself even though that is forbidden in the Rule.” I gave a big mew of relief.
Bear enjoying a peaceful nap around his many deer friends.
I asked Br. Ricky if I would I have to give up going outside. I don’t like to stay inside because I miss things, like climbing trees which I love to do. I would miss my friends, too. I have lots of friends who live outside, and I like to be around them.
Br. Ricky explained that appreciation of the created world is a very important Benedictine practice. I purred at this because I love God’s creation.
I’m really looking forward to my life as a Benedictine novice. I can help my human, too. What she needs to learn is patience and acceptance above all. I am excited to share what I learn with her.
My favorite verses from the Rule:
They no longer live by their own judgment, giving in to their whims and appetites; rather they walk according to another’s decisions and directions, choosing to live in monasteries and to have a prioress or abbot over them. Monastics of this resolve unquestionably conform to the saying of Christ: “I have come not to do my own will, but the will of the One who sent me” (John 6:38). RB 5.12-13
Novice Bear (l.) with his brother Tigger who crossed over the rainbow bridge ino the Feline Paradise Cloister in 2023.