"Let Us Prefer Nothing Whatever to Christ" - RB 72.11
Novice Master Br. Ricky, OSB-F
You are invited to join the Feline Cloister in a focused year of preferring nothing whatever to Christ
It is all about love.
It points me to Christ.
Ultimately, the whole meaning and purpose of the Rule is simply,
[in Benedict’s own words]
“Prefer nothing to the love of Christ.”
Esther de Waal
Worldwide Novices to Prefer Nothing Whatever to Christ as Their Goal for 2025
Recently Br. Ricky re-read the applications that our novices submitted when they joined the Feline Cloister. Browsing through these gave him an idea for the New Year –
to have the novices create New Year’s Promises that can help them prefer nothing whatever to Christ.
Br Ricky tasked the novices to identify attitudes, thoughts and actions that turn them from choosing Christ. He then asked them to cull the Rule for practices to support the desired change. Finally, the novices were to craft a specific resolution for the coming year.
Worldwide Novices Help Their Humans to Craft Their Own Promise
As members of the Feline Cloister, the Worldwide Novices embrace the Cloister Mission to
“teach humans about The Rule of St. Benedict and how this Rule can help humans find peace and joy in daily life.”
In their Feline Cloister applications, novices shared what they felt their human needed to learn. Br. Ricky asked the novices to once again search the Rule to find verses that address these needs. Excerpts from the Rule will help their humans craft their own promise.
Stepping Into the New Year For Christ
To find the New Year’s promise your feline made and to see what your feline suggests for you, click on the “Start Here” link below. On the new page, find your novice’s picture. Click on the picture. You will be taken to a web page that shows your novice’s promise and suggestions for yours.