Sr Nikki, OSB-F

Welcome to The Feline Cloister


Hello!  My name is Sr Nikki.  I am the porter of the Feline Cloister.  If you have never heard of the “porter,” this is the person or feline who stays close to the front door so that visitors and guests like you will always find someone close by to answer your knock (Rule of Benedict, Chapter 66, Verse 2 – RB 66.2).

And so, as St Benedict instructs me to do, I welcome you as Christ (RB 53.1 and Matthew 25:35), and with a warm heart, I say,

“Thanks be to God” (RB 66.3) that you are here! 

All of us in the Feline Cloister want to help you find more peace and joy in life.  If you hang around us, we will gently guide you in learning about and bringing into your life the practices found in the sixth century The Rule of St. Benedict.  We have found them very helpful here in the Feline Cloister.

Here is what you can do in this section:

Meet the members of the Feline Cloister

Enjoy reading about the Resident Novices, who arer prospective Cloister members. 

If you ARE a feline or know ANY feline who might be interested in joining the Cloister as a Worldwide Novice, check out the simple Application Form

Discover really fun and helpful articles written by Cloister members, novices and other Benedictine felines.

Read how members of the Feline Cloister unpack The Rule of St. Benedict

Learn about and pray Paw Prayers with the Feline Cloister and our Worldwide Novices.

Finally, take a minute or two to read about august former Feline Cloister members and our Worldwide Novices, both who are now in the Feline Paradise Cloister

We hope you enjoy and gain insight in what we offer you here in the Feline Cloister.

Mission Statement

Through non-judgmental observation and gentle sharing of feline
Benedictine wisdom, members of the Feline Cloister strive to teach humans
about The Rule of St. Benedict and how this Rule can help humans find
peace and joy in daily life.
Members also strive to live The Rule of St. Benedict to the very best of
their feline abilities.

Meet the Members of the Feline Cloister

Br Ricky OSB-F

Sr Esperanza OSB-F

Sr Nikki OSB-F

Sr Maggie OSB-F

Visit the Benedictine Glossary to learn about these positions in the monastery. The Feline Cloister models responsibilities after their monastic brothers and sisters.