Mr. Pippin Marmalade – My Promise for 2025
What prevents me from preferring nothing whatever to Christ?
I have been known to nip my momma when I have had too much petting. This is not Christ-like behavior. Nor does this nipping show I prefer Christ.
Practices from the Rule to help me craft my promise:
“No monastics are to pursue what they judge better for themselves, but instead, what they judge better for someone else.” RB 72.7
“Truly, we are forbidden to do our own will, for scripture tells us: Turn away from your desires (Sir 18:30). And in prayer too we ask that God’s “will be done” in us (Matt 6:10).” RB 7.19-20
“Your way of acting should be different from the world’s way; the love of Christ must come before all else.” RB 4.20-21
My 2025 Promise:
When I get frustrated with too much petting I promise to do my very best to be patient and not to nip my momma. Instead, I will put her delight in petting me before my own desire for petting to cease. I will also remember how much I love to be with her when she prays on the Facebook livestream, especially when she leads the daily office.
What my human needs to learn to help her prefer nothing whatever to Christ:
That she is enough. That she is truly called to be the rector of her parish and God is at work through her. And she needs to give me more treats.
Practices from the Rule to help my human craft her promise:
“What is more delightful than this voice of the Holy One calling to us? See how God’s love shows us the way of life.” Prologue 19-20
“Place your hope in God alone.” RB 4.41
“Do not be daunted immediately by fear and run away from the road that leads to salvation. It is bound to be narrow at the outset. But as we progress in this way of life and in faith, we shall run on the path of God’s commandments, our hearts overflowing with the inexpressible delight of love.” Prologue 48-49
(Concerning treats for me) “The cellarer will provide the members their allotted amount of food without any pride or delay, lest they be led astray.” RB 31.16
My Human’s 2025 Promise:
Mr. Pippin Marmalade asks you to join him and craft your own 2025 Promise.