Mao – My Promise for 2025

What prevents me from preferring nothing whatever to Christ?

My impatience gets in the way of preferring Christ.  I am annoyed when Bill doesn’t give me enough treats.  I’m frustrated when the treats don’t come on time.  Then I grumble and chew on these slights. 

Practices from the Rule to help me craft my promise:

“It is written: Distribution was made as each had need (Acts 4:35).” 
RB 34.1

“First and foremost, there must be no word or sign of the evil of grumbling, no manifestation of it for any reason at all.”  RB 34.6

“As soon as wrongful thoughts come into your heart, dash them against Christ and disclose them to your spiritual guide.”  RB 4.50  Mao’s spiritual guide – Mary Beth

My 2025 Promise:

I promise to practice discerning my wants from my needs.  I know that I need far less than I want.  I will accept gratefully the treats I am given and remember that all comes from God who really knows what is best for me.

What my human needs to learn to help her prefer nothing whatever to Christ:

I need more treats!  Bill needs to give me more!

Practices from the Rule to help my human craft the promise:

“It is written: Distribution was made as each had need (Acts 4:35).”  RB 34.1

“No monastics are to pursue what they judge better for themselves, but instead, what they judge better for someone else.”  RB 72.7

“They will provide the members their [double] allotted amount of food without any pride or delay, lest they be led astray. For cellarers must remember what the scripture says that person deserves who leads one of the little ones astray (Matt 18:6).”  RB 31.16.  Modifeid by Novice Mao

My Human’s 2025 Promise:

Mao asks you to join him and craft your own 2025 Promise.


To reach a downloadable document to help you craft your Promise for 2025: