Dora Maxwell – My Promise for 2025
What prevents me from preferring nothing whatever to Christ?
I frequently demand that my human play kitty-biting. When she won’t allow this, I get annoyed. Then I end up being distracted in prayer and cannot concentrate on my Benedictine studies. I can see why St. Benedict didn’t allow swatting in the monastery. (See RB.70.1-2)
Practices from the Rule to help me craft my promise:
“No monastics are to pursue what they judge better for themselves, but instead, what they judge better for someone else.” RB 72.3-7
“The eighth step of humility is that we do only what is endorsed by the common rule of the monastery and the example set by the prioress or abbot.” RB 7.55
“The second step of humility is that we love not our own will nor take pleasure in the satisfaction of our desires; rather we shall imitate by our actions that saying of Christ’s: I have come not to do my own will, but the will of the One who sent me”(John 6:38).” RB 7.31-32
My 2025 Promise:
When I get the urge to play kitty-biting I’m going to put my paw down and take a big breath. Then I will show my affection by cuddling up next to my human. Or I will spring into the Zoomies to burn off steam until the biting urge wears off.
What my human needs to learn to help her prefer nothing whatever to Christ:
The joys of sharing bites to show affection. She has this strange aversion to my teeth. She would be much happier if she simply let go of her fear.
Practices from the Rule to help my human craft her promise:
“No monastics are to pursue what they judge better for themselves, but instead, what they judge better for someone else.” RB 72.7
“The fourth step of humility is that in this obedience under difficult, unfavorable, or even unjust conditions, our hearts quietly embrace suffering and endure it without weakening or seeking escape. For scripture has it: Anyone who perseveres to the end will be saved (Matt 10:22), 37and again, Be brave of heart and rely on God” (Ps 27:14). RB 7.35-37
“Monastics may be assigned a burdensome task or something they cannot do… If after the explanation the abbot or prioress [or me] is still determined to hold to their original order, then the junior [my human] must recognize that this is best. Trusting in God’s help, they must in love obey.” RB 68.1, 4-5 Modified by Novice Dora Maxwell
“Place your hope in God alone.” RB 4.41
My Human’s 2025 Promise:
Dora asks you to join her and craft your own 2025 Promise.