China – My Promise for 2025
What prevents me from preferring nothing whatever to Christ?
I am Siamese which means that I love to talk. Being silent is anathema to me. This results in much distraction when I pray. My mind flits here and there. I can even mew to myself to fill the silence. I think I miss what God is saying to me.
Practices from the Rule to help me craft my promise:
“Let us follow the prophet’s counsel: I said, I have resolved to keep watch over my ways that I may never sin with my tongue. I was silent and was humbled, and I refrained even from good words Ps 39:2-3). Here the prophet indicates that there are times when good words are to be left unsaid out of esteem for silence.” RB 6.1-2a
“Listen carefully, my child, to my instructions, and attend to them with the ear of your heart. This is advice from one who loves you; welcome it, and faithfully put it into practice.” Prologue 1
“Let us open our eyes to the light that comes from God, and our ears to the voice from the heavens that every day calls out this charge: 10“If you hear God’s voice today, do not harden your hearts” (Ps. 95:8).” Prologue 9-10
My 2025 Promise:
I promise to listen. First I will listen to how much I am talking and refrain from even good words. Then I will listen for God in my prayer and in the voices and mews of others.
What my human needs to learn to help her prefer nothing whatever to Christ:
My human needs to learn that she’d God’s cat, too!
Practices from the Rule to help my human craft her promise:
“What is more delightful than this voice of the Holy One calling to us? See how God’s love shows us the way of life.” Prologue 19-20
“Listen carefully, my child, to my instructions, and attend to them with the ear of your heart. This is advice from one who loves you; welcome it, and faithfully put it into practice.” Prologue 1
“Listen readily to holy reading, and devote yourself often to prayer.” RB 4.55-56
My Human’s 2025 Promise:
China asks you to join him and craft your own 2025 Promise.