by Br. Ricky OSB-F | Jul 1, 2024 | Hospitality, Monday Mewsings
Br. Ricky, OSB-FNovice Master and Editor Hello! Hope your day is going well. As Novice Master I want to share one of the important ways that I offer hospitality to feline and human, stranger and friend. It’s one of the Fruits of the Spirit named by Paul. “The...
by Br. Ricky OSB-F | Dec 29, 2023 | Monday Mewsings
Hello and welcome! Br. Ricky here. Today I offer Worldwide Novices and human readers a Benedictine Practice for the New Year. This idea came to me on a Zoom call with a prospective novice, Jasper McPurr. Jasper was looking for an alternative to the usual...
by Br. Ricky OSB-F | Dec 6, 2023 | Tools for Daily Living from the Feline Cloister
Pick Up the Shuttle that is Christ You sit at a loom where the multi-colored threads of your life stretch out in front of you – some are colorful, some may be dark, some may even be laced with tiny gold threads woven in with the cotton or the wool. Pick up Christ the...
by Br. Ricky OSB-F | Dec 6, 2023 | Ricky's Mewsings
Deck the halls with lots of action. Fa-la-la-la-la, la-la-la-la. Tis the season of distraction. Fa-la-la-la-la, la-la-la-la. Don we now our panicked rushing. Fa-la-la-la-la-la-la-la-la. Troll the constant frantic wailing. Fa-la-la-la-la, la-la-la-la!! Hello! I’m...