The Feline Cloister Mewsletter

Br Ricky, OSB-F
Novice Master and Mewsletter Editor

Hello and welcome to the Mewsletter page.  I hope that you are having a good day.  If there are challenges, remember that St. Benedict asks us to place our hope in God alone.  (RB 4.41)

May I first mew a couple of quick questions to introduce what is on this page?

Are you looking for ways to follow The Rule of St. Benedict?

Would you like some tried and true ideas for your spiritual growth?

Are you looking for a fun but meaningful read?

If the answer to any of these questions is “Yes,” check out the Mewsletter, a quarterly publication from the Feline Cloister. Learn all about the Rule and how it can support your life in Christ and your spiritual journey.  And please know that I also want you to have fun while you learn.

Read on to learn about the Mewsletter.  Or scroll down to reach links to our back issues.

What’s in the Mewsletter

Mewsings from the Feline Cloister

Reflections from members of the Feline Cloister that teach about Benedictine living and practices through their experiences living in the Cloister

Snapshots of Benedictine Monasteries

There are around 400 Benedictine monasteries in the world, 100 of which are in the United States.  In this section of the Mewsletter you will get a snapshot of the history and a bit about current life of each monastery presented.

Felines Unpack
The Rule of St. Benedict

Cloister Novices share their research on verses in the Rule to help readers learn about the Rule.

New Cloister Members and Worldwide Novices

Br. Ricky wants to keep readers up to date on new Benedictine Felines.  New Resident Novices are on-site at the Cloister.  Worldwide Novices hail from around the United States and from as far away as Sicily.  All are faith-filled felines who desire to live by The Rule of St. Benedict.

Benedictine Lingo Demystified

Everything today seems to have shorthand lingo.  Here you will learn about Benedictine terms.

New Website Content

Amma Jane is always working with the Feline Cloister to add new mewsworthy content to the website.

You are invited to read the Mewsletter Back Issues

Earliest Dates are First

Summer 2022

“Getting into Trouble for Being Ourselves”

Novice William unpacks Prologue 1 – Listen!

Who is the Cellarer?

Conception Abbey in Missouri and Engelberg Abbey in Switzerland

Meet Clarissa Anne and Michael James, Esq F – New Resident Novices

Tap your paw here to read this issue…


Br Augustine Fur gathering his supplies to clean the cellar

Is he a cellarer?

The Mewsletter In Between – September 2022

A special Mewsletter issue to introduce the new Worldwide Novices.

Curious about these faith-filled felines?  Click here…

Leonardo of Montepulciano, Italy, absorbed in completing his novice application.

Fall 2022

New! The Worldwide Paradise Cloister

“Turning From The Crickets”

Novice Terri unpacks Prologue 19-20 – The Sweetness of Christ

Who/What is the Porter?

Mount Angel Abbey in Oregon

Meet the Feline Benedictine Scholars 

Tap your paw here to read this issue…


What’s this about crickets??

The Mewsletter In Between – February 2023

A special Mewsletter issue on Chapter 49 – The Observance of Lent.  Join Br. Ricky and the Resident Novices in a special class on this chapter of The RUle of St. Benedict.

Read this issue by clicking here.


Winter 2023

Our New Worldwide Novices!

Resident Novice Miss Sassafras unpacks – “Chapter 48 – The Daily Manual Labor, Verse 1 – Idleness is the Enemy of the Soul

Sr. Nikki, OSB-F offers “Leisure is a Friend of the Soul”

Who/What is the Cenobite?

The Abbey of Regina Laudis in Connecticut

Tap your paw here to read this issue

What’s with all these arrows??
Are we going to learn about archery?

Spring – Summerish 2023

Our New Worldwide Novices!

Resident Novice Michael James unpacks – “Chapter 22 – The Sleeping Arrangements of the Monastics, Verse 22 – What To Do About Those Dangerous Knives

Who/What are Sarabaites and Gyrovagues?

Malling Abbey in Kent, England

Tap your paw here to read this issue

A Medieval Benedictine
preparing his bed for sleep. 

Does he have a knife??

3rd Quarter 2023

Resident Novice Little Jenny unpacks Prologue 10 – “Do Not Harden Your Hearts”

Resident Noivce Clarissa Anne offers “The Benedictine Way of the Heart”

What is the Benedictine Vow of Stability?

The Sisters of the Order of St. Benedict – St. Benedict Monastery in St. Joseph, Minnesota

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Feline with a hardened heart.
Perhaps this grumpy cat needs to read Novice Little Jenny’s article on Prologue 10?

4th  Quarter 2023

Br. Ricky shares how to weave in “Advent Weaving”

Br. Ricky also shares why the Rule does not include Advent and Christmas

The Cloister welcomes  Worldwide Novice Mao

A new addtion to the Feline Cloister website – “Tools for Daily Living from the Feline CLoister

Tap your paw here to read this issue

The Mewsletter In-Between
December, 2023

Br. Randy shares his Benedictine rendition of “Deck the Halls”

The Worldwide Novices share their feline rendition of “Deck the Halls”

Br. Ricky shares two beautiful Christmas poems by Ann Weems

Tap your paw here to read this issue

Little Minnie is thoroughly captivated by Christmas

The Mewsletter In-Between
February, 2024

Resident Novice William suggests a way towards a “Purrfect Lent.”

Br. Ricky offers two prayers we can prayer together as a broad community of Benedictine seekers of God.

Tap your paw here to read this issue

1st Quarter 2024

Br. Ricky introduces two new Worldwide Novices

Sr. Espy, OSB-F, challenges us to choose either greed or glory

Resident Novice Mickey unpacks RB 5.15 on obedience to superiors

Name that Role! A Benedictine Game

The Tree of Life Monastery in the Democratic Republic of the Congo

The Tree of Life – The Baobab tree

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Greed or Glory: Your Choice

2nd Quarter 2024

Amma Jane writes about how we can experience God’s grace when we travel

Resident Novice Sebastian Thomas unpacks the two “travel chapters” in the Rule – RB 50 and 67

The Benedictine Numbers Game!  Test your knowledge about how Beneduict uses numbers in the Rule

Santa Rita Abbey in Arizona

Who was Santa Rita of Casia?

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Nova Scotia Duck Tolling Retriever, Jack MacLean,
basking in the touch of God on a road trip.

3rd Quarter 2024

Resident Novice William gives a mew for Chapter 7 – Humility

Novice William also tackles two challenging steps on the Ladder of Humility – Steps 6 & 7

Br. Ricky announces the winner of “Name that Role! A Benedictine Game”

The Benedictine Word Search Puzzle – Obedience

Christ the King Priory in Schuyler, Nebraska

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It’s time to ascend the Ladder of Humility

4th Quarter 2024

Br. Randy shares his Benedictine rendition of “Deck the Halls”

The Worldwide Novices share their feline rendition of “Deck the Halls”

Br. Ricky shares two beautiful Christmas poems by Ann Weems

Tap your paw here to read this issue

Little Minnie is thoroughly captivated by Christmas

1st Quarter 2025

Amma Jane asks for prayers

Br Ricky helps Resdient Novice Sebastian Thomas reengage with his Lenten Practice

Four Worldwide Novices share why we can be joyful in Lent

Holy Wisdon Monastery in Middleton, Wisconsin

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Be Joyful in Lent

Coco the Canine woofs, “The Mewsletter is for interested canines and thier humans, too!”

Minnie and Mack leaping to read
the latest